Our company
PRIMAVITA... le piante che verranno
Our young company was born in a territory particulary devoted to the flower nursing industry
The company is located in the country surronding Molfetta, that choice was due to the pedoclimatic features of this territory. Primavita includes fields of mother plants for the production of cuttings and seeds, shading structures for the cultivation of small plants on over 10,000 square metres and a 15,000 square metre greenhouse, designed following innovative criteria in order to assure plants wellness and health and guarateeing waste and emissions reduction.
The green house is provided with a double plastic film and a termic screen in order to reduce heat loss and a basal and aerial hot water heating system, LPG supplied. The enviromental parameters are constantly measured and analized by a climatic computer, that manages the system functionality.
Besides that there are three tanks for the collection of rainy water and a Reverse Osmosis system for water purification and recycling
Primavita is the first step of plant growing industry, specialized in production and growth of more than 500 species of ornamental plants and Mediterranean essences.
Our main goal is saving and promoting the Mediterranean flower nursery system through an intense research activity and taking care of the plants in the very early growing stage, combining economic competitiviness, technological innovation and attention to the enviroment.
From the seed to the seedling, to the small plant, every single moment of plant life is raised with care and meticolous attention constantly assisted by personnel qualified in agronomy and plant health care
Thanks to this activity we produce young Mediterranean plants to recultivate in 7x7 cm pots and/or flats, small plants in 15x15, 2.10 mt tall pots and, on request, small plants 50 cm tall for supplying specialized plant nurseries.